Rooting for excellence against all challenges, Pangasinan State University set forth the annual planning conference for selected university officials, planning coordinators, and employees via Zoom platform on July 17, 2021.
With the theme “Sustaining Excellence and Productivity in the New Normal Landscape,” the Office of the Vice President for Planning and Finance Management (led by VP Dr. Maria Corazon B. Puzon) through the Planning Office unit (headed by Director Dr. Madlyn Tingco) facilitated activities with the aid of the reputable professionals as resource speakers.
On the first of the three phases of the conference, mind-setting activities were the primary task. Among the invited speakers was Dr. Conrado Iñigo Jr., Chief Executive Officer of the University of the Visayas—he discussed the Role of Leadership in the Recovery Plan of Schools. Whereas Dr. Flora V. Javier, Former Executive Vice President of Lyceum of the Philippines University—expounded the Best Practices of Excellent Organizations and its implications to leadership development.
This year’s mid-year planning conference aims to ‘create a positive leadership mindset among university and campus officials. Furthermore, the targets and plan of action for the Annual Operation Plan 2021 will be focused on the succeeding phases of the conference—happening on August 24-25, 2021.