The Bachelor of Science in Information Technology conducted another Skills Training Program entitled “Office Productivity for PSU Asingan Employees (OPPAe)” to address the need for creative and digital literacy, spearheaded by Mr. Jb O. Doria, OIC-Dean, College of Technology and Business, together with the newly-promoted Chairman, Ms. Ma. Jo Ann B.Ventura as well as the faculty and staff of the department on the 15th day of April.โ
This training is a kind of faculty development program that helps to improve the ICT skills and teaching performance of the faculty members in the use of Adobe Photoshop, MS Offices suites, Proshow, Viva -Cut and other useful applicationsโ, said by Dr. Priscilla L. Agsalud, Dean, College of Education.
Creating and editing certificates, tarpaulins, invitations, movie or video presentation with digital image manipulation through Adobe Photoshop, Proshow and Vita-Cut Application tools were taught by the following ICT expert- resource speakers: Ms. Ma. Jo Ann B. Ventura, Ms. Wenna Lyn Honrado, Ms. Fatima Badua on Adobe Photoshop and MS Office Application; Mr. Jb O. Doria on Proshow Application, and Mr. Xander Faustino on Filmora Go Video Editor using android Viva-Cut application.
The participants were asked to create their outputs such as certificates, video and movie presentations, tarpaulins, etc. which were uploaded in the google drive prepared by the in-charged committee of the training.