Department Chair


It is an honor to be part of a system that provides education in Information Technology. It is a diverse field that plays a fundamental role in every sector of society. We believe that an avenue of learning should be made available to students who aim to be part of the industry. That is why we strive to continuously improve our operations and processes to provide our students with a learning environment suited for a comprehensive course. We have always been committed to delivering industry standard tools and instruction in designing, developing, supporting, and managing IT systems to produce competitive and well-versed professionals.


The Information and Technology Department conducts different events and training, from social gathering activities, computer assembly, and software programming, to be able to holistically develop our students in their chosen fields. 

The BS Information Technology program at PSU-Alaminos City Campus is one of the top producers of quality IT graduates. The program consistently adheres to the CHED standards for higher educational institutions and continuously updates its curricular offering in response to the ever-changing IT field.

Over the years, the IT degree program has been a most sought-after course. The number of enrolled students has continued to rise since its start in 1998. As globalization spreads, the need for IT graduates will continue to grow. This has prompted the Campus to offer BS Information Technology. The IT Department has continuously subjected the program to various accreditations to ensure excellence in its four-fold services: instruction, research, extension, and production. The quest for excellence is a lifelong commitment of the IT Department.

As the challenges of delivering educational services are getting more demanding, the IT Department cannot afford to be complacent. With the assistance of the present PSU administration, the IT Department acquired modern laboratory equipment that offers hands-on training to students, preparing them to enter the job market with the best training. Moreover, the strength of the IT Department comes from its committed and dedicated faculty who work tirelessly to support the University in its quest to make the institution the top State University in the ASIAN region. Even though the pandemic ravaged the entire world, hitting complex educational institutions, it could not break the IT faculty’s determination to deliver quality instruction.

The IT Department is more committed to giving the best education possible to students who entrust their future to Pangasinan State University.




  • Application Developer 
  • Database Administrator 
  • Digital Animator 
  • Information Security Administrator
  • Multimedia Technologist 
  • Network Administrator 
  • Network Engineer 
  • Systems Analyst 
  • Test Engineer 
  • Web Administrator/ Web Master 
  • Web Developer 

The intent of the Information Technology program is to produce graduates who are able to meet the demands of the IT professional in the industry, both local and national area and in the ASEAN region. It has the following objectives:

1. Undertake projects that show ability to solve complex problems and to work in teams on problems whose solutions lead to significant societal benefits.

2. Communicate effectively with diverse stakeholders as well as function appropriately in a team environment.

3. Demonstrate ethical behavior as an IT professional and sensitivity to the impact of technology and society.

4. Engage in lifelong learning and professional development.



Apply knowledge of computing, science, and mathematics appropriate to the discipline.

  • Identify or determine the techniques, tools, methodologies to be used given a particular scenario that involves computing, science, and mathematics.
    Compare different tools, techniques, methodologies as to their pros and cons that will help in decision making.

Distinguish best practices and standards and their applications.

  • Identify the characteristics that conforms to standards and their best practices.
    Compare and contrast tools and methodologies in terms of best practices, standard and their application.

Analyze complex problems, and identify and define the computing requirements appropriate to its solution.

  • Analyze complex problems.
    Identify and define the complexity requirements appropriate to its solution.

Identify and analyze user needs and take them into account in the selection, creation, evaluation and administration of computer-based systems.

  • Analyze the user’s needs and take them into account in the selection, creation, evaluation and administration of computer-based systems.
    Identify the user’s requirements and take them into account in the selection, creation, evaluation and administration of computer-based systems.

Design, implement, and evaluate computer-based systems, processes, components, or programs to meet desired needs and requirements under various constraints.

  • Translate specification into a design.
  • Design software to meet desired needs under various constraint.
  • Design a database to meet desired needs for storing data under various constraints.
  • Design networks to meet desired needs for sharing information under various constraints.
  • Design a hardware infrastructure to meet desired processing needs under various constraints.
  • Implement a network to meet desired needs for sharing information under various constraint.
  • Implement database to meet desired needs for storing data under various constraint.
  • Implement a software to meet desired needs for task under various constraints.
  • Evaluate software on its functionality and level of satisfying user requirements for task under various constraint.
  • Evaluate an existing network for its level of satisfying user requirements for under various constraint

Integrate IT-based solutions into the user environment effectively.

  • Implement a network to meet desired needs for sharing information under various constraint.
  • Implement database to meet desired needs for storing data under various constraint.
  • Implement a software to meet desired needs for task under various constraints.
  • Evaluate software on its functionality and level of satisfying user requirements for task under various constraint.
  • Evaluate an existing network for its level of satisfying user requirements for under various constraint.

Apply knowledge through the use of current techniques, skills, tools and practices necessary for the IT profession.

  • Evaluate techniques, methodologies, standards/frameworks and tools for its appropriateness to the IT Infrastructure to be designed and managed considering its advantages and limitations.
  • Select, use and adapt appropriate techniques, methodologies, standards/frameworks and tools the IT Infrastructure to be designed and managed.

Function effectively as a member or leader of a development team recognizing the different roles within a team to accomplish a common goal.

Team member:

  • Independently source necessary knowledge, assistance, skills and resources to complete tasks.
  • Performs tasks effectively to accomplish a common goal.

Leader of a team:

  • Set proper goals and timeline of activities to complete team objectives.
  • Allocate task according to team member capabilities.
  • Monitor task completion and performance of team member.
  • Provide expertise, assistance and support to team members to achieve of team goals.
  • Resolve and reduce conflicts within the team.

Assist in the creation of an effective IT project plan.

  • Perform task in the creation of an effective IT project plan.
  • Create an effective IT project plan.

Communicate effectively with the computing community and with society at large about complex computing activities through logical writing, presentations, and clear instructions.

  • Interview clients to gather background information, situation, existing concerns and issues necessary to frame and achieve common understanding of problems to be addressed by computing solutions.
  • Write effective reports and documentations about the results of performing specific computing and professional tasks.
  • Write documentations (including design documentations) completely and comprehensively, with appropriate tone, correct grammar and construction, adapting to documentation standards, to communicate ideas, choices, assumptions, and consequences of decisions.
  • Develop effective presentation material that will enhance understanding of ideas being communicated.
  • Deliver presentations effectively and efficiently to various audience (computing community, society at large, and users) using English and Filipino as needed, with appropriate tone, correct grammar and construction.
  • Choose appropriate language suitable to the audience and respectful to the audience background and culture.
  • Provide clear instructions to team members.

Analyze the local and global impact of computing and information technology on individuals, organizations, and society.

  • Analyze the local impact of computing and information technology on individuals, organizations, and society.
  • Analyze the global impact of computing and information technology on individuals, organizations, and society.
  • Make design and implementation decision considering the impact of IT on individuals, organizations, and society.
  • Provide /conceptualize solutions to domain where IT is needed.
  • Evaluate the impact of this solutions to individuals, organizations, and society.

Understand professional, ethical, legal, security and social issues and responsibilities in the utilization of information technology.

  • Make decisions considering professional, ethical, legal, security and social issues and responsibilities in the utilization of information technology.
  • Assess professional, ethical, legal, security and social issues and responsibilities in the utilization of information technology.

Recognize the need for and engage in planning self-learning and improving performance as a foundation for continuing professional development.

  • Reflect on own abilities and skills to determine necessary development needs to reach level of expectations and aspirations as a computing professional.
  • Prepare a personal development plan for continuing professional development.
  • Engage independently in developmental activities (like participating in professional organizations, attendance to seminars and training) as a result of recognizing the need to further and continuously develop one’s competencies as a computing professional.
  • Evaluate achievements and deficiencies against own’s personal development plan.


  1. Develop the students’ competencies by instilling the latest IT knowledge and skills.
  2. Develop and enrich the IT education curriculum that is flexible and adaptable to meet the needs of students and the IT industry.
  3. Promote students’ holistic development to improve their skills and abilities.
  4. Expand and establish network of linkages with other institutions both private and public to strengthen academe-industry support.
  5. Establish instruction-related support systems.