Heat is what it’s all about during the past few months. It seems like all of a sudden, the world lost all the air it has to offer leaving everyone in sweltering condition. People instinctively respond when a situation directly affects them whole lot. The electronic businesses apparently skyrocketed along with the electric consumption rates due to the higher demands in electric fans and air conditioning units. However, this only solves the problem in surface-level; prompt and easy but can’t sustain in providing ease for long.
Humidity is something that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Lack of electric fan units has been a major problem of ACCians and this caused them to be directly affected by the abrupt change in temperature. Students suffer from different conditions with regards of high temperature like fainting, hyperventilating, asthma, and even high blood pressure. As a response, the graduating students from different programs of Pangasinan State University- Alaminos City Campus conducted an activity which can elevate this huge problem by doing a small contribution that can surely impact immensely in the following years. Tree planting is often regarded as an environmental activity done by schools and government units to promote healing and restoration of natural life. A good location where sun lits directly, small thrust of sharp-edged tool to create a hole, drag a small sampling, pat enough dirt to cover, and a shower of water is enough to keep native trees from the country to thrive. Planting will take less than 10 minutes of a person’s time, but the result can last up until the last breath they take.
“REI-freshing the World thru Tree Panting and Environmental Clean-up” is an activity attended by a great many graduating students not just because it is one of their requirements to get their clearance signed, but it is one of their responsibilities as students of the institution. In line with PSU’s Core Values, ACCESS, which mentions the “Social and Environmental Responsiveness” of the students, it is necessary to give back to nature. The great number in attendance showed that they are down hand-in-hand to be part of the solution. This activity is also a great contribution in connection to a global event which will be held on June 9, 2024 in the celebration of World Environment Day led by United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) which focused on restoration of land, ending desertification and building drought resilience globally. The event solely tackled ways on how to use technology as a solution to the enviromental problems. “The community needs us, and we can do something regardless your (our) age. It’s our social responsibility to give back” said Mr. Jordan Conte, JCI Hundred Islands’ president, a local non-governmental organization that is also one of the Alaminos City Campus’ partner for the activity.
As stated in RA No. 10176, an act reviving the observance of arbor day by authorizing the local government units for celebrating the day for tree planting as an annual event, specifically mentioned in Section 8: Planting of Trees that “All able-bodied citizens of the Philippines, who are at least twelve (12) years of age, shall be required to plant one (1) tree every year”. This act requires of all local government units to plant trees annually which includes the participation of Commission on Higher Education (CHED).
This might be a living proof of the quote “small things aren’t actually small”. The world right now is in comparison to a sick person, and it needs healing. It needs all the intervention that people can offer for it not to break. The world is our home, and it is our responsibility to mend and take care of it. Of course, the result of planting trees will not be felt in an instant but what matters is that we have something stored that can be of help in the future. Taking a medicine doesn’t give immediate effectivity and so does tree planting. However, it is an act to prevent further damage.
The planted trees are the symbol of fresh start. It is a reminder for those who are grad-waiting that they are now entering a new forest of their life where there is room for clean air to breathe, a vine to crawl for something to reach, and to cling strongly with its roots. Plant a tree to give back for free, and to live in glee.